Thursday, January 16, 2014

You don't know me but I know you

Once upon a millennium, the boy I was closed his eyes, took a deep breath and jumped off a bridge in The South Bronx to find his American Dream.


I look back at The Wild Wild West of my childhood closely related to Mister Spock and become emotional at the Star Trek of the better angels of our nature.


This journal is not so much about me but on a country that allows gifted children to dream big ideas and enhance special lives of We, The People on Earth.


In my travels, I met someone who looked like the actor who played Clark Kent in Smallville. He opened the doors of a barn house to reveal a techno wonderland he had built with his hands. I saw the mother of all flat screens to monitor mass media. And in the background of his family house, there were super heroes and witches in the air.


It was Halloween in Hampshire, the Live Free Or Die State.


An amazed smile went beyond the borders of my face.


Welcome to Parallel Parking On The Alternate Side Of The Universe.


The best stories for me are the ones hard for me to believe and still...


Chapter One: it was a dark and stormy night of creativity on Win95.


Yep. I did this with old tech saved from the junkyards.


I fixed it and it fixed me.


Now I’ll fix you!


As seen on TV!


And no laugh track need apply.



How To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks By Danny Aponte


Art & Art Direction & Hot Text Copyrighted 2014


So why is China LOL?


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