Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Artificial Intelligence Advancing Intelligence

Dangerous Questions Asked In The Childhood Of The Old Millennium


If I was turned into a beam of light what would I see in Dark Matter?


Is there a shortage of lightning in Heaven to explain evil on Earth?


How much time do I have in a universe that wastes nothing?


On Channel 13, Nova in Spanish means it’s not moving?


Is mystery the source of all true art and science?


Will memories disappear like tears in rain?


Can humans be artificial intelligence?




This is the MRI of my brain taken after I was held down at the university of New York and beaten. The last memory held on was of the woman who wanted to be my wife.


I lost life support when the plug on higher education was pulled out on me.


I died and went to Google Heaven.



Art and text copyrighted by Daniel Angel Aponte 2014


Brain Rains Ideas by Daniel Angel Aponte

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