Friday, March 7, 2014

Higher Education was never this high!

In the year of our Lord, 2017, The United Nations lead by the US Government outlawed Ame-Ricans, mutations born from combining All-American DNA with Puerto Rican DNA. The Ame-Ricans were gifted in the super human category. They were hunted throughout the world; bagged, tagged and put in concentration camps. Some of them had chips planted in their brains that forced them serve shadow governments and corporations that waged war against Earth and rival countries. The world became darker than dark.


Then a hero was born from the descendants of persecuted Protestants that left England to come to America on the Mayflower. Centuries later, a man and his wife left the US heartland to vacation in Puerto Rico where the woman went into unexpected labor. She gave birth to the most powerful of The Ame-Ricans: Captain Ame-Rican!


Today, Big Eagle comic books can freely express the story soon to be a big movie.


And The Oscar goes to…


How To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks


By Danny Aponte of P.S 161


Copyrighted by me in 2014!


So why is China LOL?


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