Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Obey Danny. Get a life

An Ode To A Universe That Wastes Nothing by Danny Aponte of P.S 161
I did this with old tech saved from the junkyards of The South Bronx! Oh! My Win98 is playing Dance To The Jailhouse Rock! It’s like I’m a Blues Brother on a mission from God! I can’t walk out because I love you too much, baby Earth and yeah, humans too.
It’s time to take out the trash and make some money to pay rent.
I’m a capitalist version of Captain Planet. I’ve gone green.
Ka-Ching! Money in the bank and LOL!
What? You got a problem with this?
Don’t get on my dark side.
Bad To The Bone sung by George Throughgood and The Destroyers
How To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks by Danny Aponte of P.S 161
Art & Art Direction & Hot Text Copyrighted by me in 2014
So why is China LOL?

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