Thursday, May 15, 2014

Life After Media

May 12, 2015
To Corner View Residence 199 Lee Ave Suite 215 Brooklyn, NY 11211

Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing this letter on behalf of my mother, Carmen Aponte, a senior citizen who resides at 540 Southern Blvd, apt 8B in regards to lease renewal. 
The mailbox she received her documents was vandalized.
No Social Security check meant any money for food, medicine, Con Edison bills and the rent.
 I used a friend’s cell phone to take pictures of the mutilated mailbox.
 Afterward, I made a police report at the Longwood Station House.
The Postmaster was also informed.
A US letter carrier suggested the superintendent give my mother one of the mailboxes that survived the vandalism. After I complained to management, the superintendent gave me mailbox keys to apartment 35c that management wanted us to move into without a lease.
They promised to give a lease later.
Without warning, Our mail service was disrupted again when management gave Apt 35c to a Mexican family that changed the locks on the mailbox.  Said Mexican family had no knowledge of our mail.
Is Corner View Residence aware that the front and lobby doors of Building 540 have been vandalized several times?  Aware of people smoking pot in the hallways and lobby that has no security cameras?
Building 540 now houses families taken of city shelters.
We had problems with previous troubled families that left faucets on and water come down into Apt 8B. 
311 called the New York City Fire Department several times. 

My mother fractured her arm a few months ago. She is 85 years old and was in deep pain. 
I was not thinking of lawsuit but ambulance to Lincoln Hospital. She was bedridden for a few months.
The children that ran non-stop over her ceiling had me complain to the new superintendent.
He knocked on the door to tell them that the noise pollution was causing discomfort to the elderly tenant below. After that, water fell again from the apartment upstairs into my mother’s bathroom.
We now have a home care attendant who can bear witness to the mindless stampede upstairs.
Then we get a letter notifying us of eviction for failure to renew the lease that we have sought.  The new superintendent would always hand deliver the rent receipts to my mother
Why couldn’t the same be done with the form to renew her lease?
Richard Liriario, an employee of Paradise Management, called Carmen Aponte’s brother in Arizona to try to convince him to convince his sister, Carmen Aponte, to move to another apartment.
Mr. Liriario promised a free cash offer in the thousands of dollars in the event Carmen Aponte moves her belongings to another apartment. 
Her brother, a retired Arizona Correction Officer, requested Mr. Liriario fax a copy of the lease to be examined by a lawyer.  The conversation between Carmen Aponte’s brother and Mr. Liriario took place months ago.
As of this date, Richard Liriario has failed to comply with the request.
I am requesting that her lease to apt 8B be hand delivered to Carmen Aponte.
This is my Mother’s Day card for her.
Sincerely, Daniel Angel Aponte

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

See Book. Read Movie

It’s unbelievable to be given homework to create a tour book to draw tourists to my poor town and make true a wish on living life like a Great American Novel, one that reads like comic book sci-fi worthy of The New Public Library, The Fortress of Solitude of the boy I was who was always writing to draw the better alien of his imagination.


It’s out of this world fantastic that I have sell a story to help pay rent for my disabled mother before the landlord bangs on the door of her apartment in need of repair.


There are no great stories without heartbreak and no refunds for answered prayers.


I must warn you that this journal in some parts is going to be seriously funny.


Hopefully, it will be good for you to cry, as it was good for me.


My life came to an end in a place of beginnings, The NYPL.


Once upon a time, I carried Anne Frank in my arms while shadows of burnt out buildings and bullies fell over us in The South Bronx of Captain America. 


The Savage Skulls (or the SS for short) had swastikas stitched on their gang colors.


The terrorists had their recruiting tactics. It was great that I was trained in childhood to resist brainwashing by the best shows in television. One of them was called Mission: Impossible on my first channel of choice, CBS, home of the all-seeing eye in the sky.


I was potty-trained in front of that widely seen logo. I look back and see my head as the pupil of the eye as I also see a bit of my butt. Afterwards, I picked up a screwdriver at the age of five and made the connection that revealed a city made from tubes. It was beautifully spiritual without religion to be inside television. It was Tron before Tron.


Inspired by a pointy-ear half-breed science officer, I went from what the first president of the FCC called television to another wasteland, a real one, to find parts to build a computer based on a design found in a book called from Sand Tables To Electronic Brains in the time of The Fairchild Corporation that made semiconductors that set the stage for Silicon Valley to boot up with creativity. I remember that because of a gift in childhood called Photographic Memory. I recalled every word of every book I read.


So how can I forget going where no one has ever gone before on NBC?


Star Trek was about if I imagine it I could do it. I had math mind. I learned to tell time by myself in the second grade by staring at a clock above a blackboard of numbers. But I was limited by poverty like Michael Faraday, an intuitive genius who changed the world and paved the way for Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawkins and others.





I had restrictions forced on me by the jealousness of African-Americans and Puerto Rican sixth graders that chased me after school for making our English teacher proud of me for reading at 11.5, high school level. And Cain killed Abel for being thoughtful. I was a freak of nature to be beaten up and imprisoned by fear like Galileo.


I imagined myself one of the X-Men, mutants, the new N-Word. Yeah. It’s gets worse.


My mother’s husband thought he drowned me in the bathtub. He didn’t know I could hold my breath longer than the kids that pretended to be Aqua Man in Saint Mary’s Park swimming pool. He was corny compared to the prince of Atlantis, Namor The Submariner. But I knew my lungs were going to run of air and death was certain. My mind raced with options until it settled on one: play dead. My body jerked and then went limp. He ran out with an awful shriek. I hid under the bed and finally made up mind. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and jumped off a bridge. I landed lightly on a slow moving freight train heading toward the Midwest. Once upon a time, I had silver six shooters and cowboy hat to protect Saint Mary’s Park, the former estate of The Founding Father who wrote the three little words that added up the big idea: We, The People.


I look back on this train of thought and see adventures in poetry. I see myself not so much an American as I was a guest that looked upon this country as the next best thing to being on The USS Enterprise. I aim to reciprocate. What I gift can I give? Ms Raesade, my sixth grade English teacher, advised me to just write what I know


I know movies. They’re more believable, you know.


And no laugh track need apply.





To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks: Comic Book Cyber Journal Of The Better Angels Of Our Nature By Danny Aponte of P.S 161

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I got lost in the movies. Which way to reality again?

Zombie Talk Show Host Seeks Human Brains On Face Book


Do you have brains?


If so I would like to eat, I mean, interview your brains


Don’t think too much about it. Just come over.



To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks: Comic Book Cyber Journal Of The Better Angels Of Our Nature By Danny Aponte of P.S 161




Copyrighted 2014 by me.

Monday, April 28, 2014

This is a science fiction interpretation of The South Bronx of America when it had the concrete cancer of Europe after WWII and to see how some African Americans and some Hispanics had hollow looks of cattle on plantations lit by candles made from fat.


Pistol whipped by cops that brought The Troubles that justified painkiller abuse, bitch slapped by an Irish priest in my childhood when it clearly saw better to free a suffering Jew who made the blind see, lead me to terrorism by truth, justice and the comic books.


It’s Judgment Day on me who, in the beginning of my Wonder Years in TV wasteland, wanted to be a pointy-ear devil of a science officer on a starship now ancient like Win98 saved from junkyards to repair memories and enabling me to write programs while Bob Dylan wails rolling stones.  What’s the power point of it all?


History is a waste of time travel for faceless narcissists filled with envy on Face Book.


Didn’t I make up my mind to leave cyber cave people behind in the future of smart devices getting smarter? Why am I still here with an uncertain smile?


How does it feel to be free on your own light cycle without directions home?


O Danny X Machina loves this song by Joy Division: Love


Will Tear Us Apart.




To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks: Comic Book Cyber Journal Of The Better Angels Of Our Nature By Danny Aponte of P.S 161


There are 8 million stories in The Naked City and more beyond borders.


You’re now one of them on police line-ups.




Japanese Anime South Bronx style!



Copyrighted 2014 by me.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

If I ever fall in love, I’ll work out to make my muscles glisten like gold bricks.


I’ll be a male stripper only for the woman who falls in love with me.


I’ll slowly gyrate to the movie theme of Django as she swoons like a southern belle about to faint in a heat wave by the river. I want her to have a hard time catching her breath.


I want her heart to stop several times. I want her to whisper oh, my heavens!


I want her to cry out Tron Legacy was a great sequel to Tron!


I don’t really know what women want.


Hey, I’m only ten years old.


But I am a good student.


See you in the future.




There are 8 million stories in The Naked City. You have been one of them.


To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks


Comic Book Journal By Danny Aponte of P.S 161


Saturday, April 19, 2014


Howdy, boys and girls. Stop and figure this here warrant for y’all arrested development.


Now what powerful freedom has invested in me authority to render Poetic Justice?


Who am I?


I was a US Marshall who was whipped, water boarded, interrogated and left for dead on the wasteland of vultures when I was a kid in Public School 161 in The South Bronx.


Worse agony was to arrive at New York University where I was ethnic-profiled


I aim to frame city of the world like I was framed in courts of media firefights.


I am a fast draw who knows the law:  NYPD has to assist this Man With No Ties To Terrorism in capturing America’s Most Wanted. That would include police officers.


There are 8 million stories in The Naked City.


You’re now one of them on police line-ups.


Smile for Selfie! Gotcha, partners!


This restless soul gets reward and a good day to y’all blue angels getting bluer as my gold star catches the light of high noon. There’s law and then there’s justice. Reckon it’s time to get back on the saddle and leave town before sundown.


Vaya con Dios, amigos and all you pretty ladies out there.


Hi ho Silver LOL away!


I so dearly love when true life Mission: Impossible comes together perfectly.


FYI: This disavowed operation was called Homework.


It was long overdue


To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks By Danny Aponte of P.S 161: Comic Book Cyber Journal Of The Better Angels Of Our Nature



Hope y’all get sequel.

Please hear me out. I’m desperate for your need for justice.


I need help to fulfill a dream for colored children of all ages around Planet Earth.


I’m going to round up Americans and bring them to police line-ups.


Who am I?


I was a US Marshall who was whipped, water boarded and interrogated by bullies.


This all happened when I was a kid in Public School 161 in The South Bronx.


The worse was to come at New York University where I was ethnic-profiled


Now I’m going to frame Americans in a courthouse like they framed me.


There must be disavowed IMF agents that I can recruit for this mission impossible.


If you want to clear your names, get on the saddle and ride with me.


This rogue operation is called Homework.


And it’s long overdue



To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks


By Danny Aponte of Public School 161


The South Bronx, USA

Friday, April 18, 2014

I didn’t want to tag you. Please hear me out. I’m desperate for your need for justice.


I need help to fulfill a dream for colored children of all ages around Planet Earth.


I’m going to round up Americans and bring them to police line-ups.


Who am I?


I was a US Marshall who was whipped, water boarded and interrogated by bullies.


This all happened when I was a kid in Public School 161 in The South Bronx.


The worse was to come at New York University where I was ethnic-profiled


Now I’m going to frame Americans in a courthouse like they framed me.


I’m sure there must be disavowed IMF agents that I can recruit for this mission impossible. If you want to clear your names, get on the saddle and ride with me.


This rogue operation is called Homework.


And it’s long overdue



To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks


By Danny Aponte of Public School 161


The South Bronx, USA

I didn’t want to tag you. Please hear me out. I’m desperate for your need for justice.


I need help to fulfill a dream for colored children of all ages around Planet Earth.


I’m going to round up Americans and bring them to police line-ups.


Who am I?


I was a US Marshall who was whipped, water boarded and interrogated by bullies.


This all happened when I was a kid in Public School 161 in The South Bronx.


The worse was to come at New York University where I was ethnic-profiled


Now I’m going to frame Americans in a courthouse like they framed me.


I’m sure there must be disavowed IMF agents that I can recruit for this mission impossible. If you want to clear your names, get on the saddle and ride with me.


This rogue operation is called Homework.


And it’s long overdue



To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks


By Danny Aponte of Public School 161


The South Bronx, USA

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I'm so glad I got in contact with the better alien of my nature

I picked up a sledgehammer to break the fourth wall of a toxic house. Sunlight revealed The Garden State where aliens arrived on the airwaves of NBC radio in the 1930s.


I was remodeling a home and, at the same time, reconstructing memories after 9/11.


I remember the only gold chain I ever had in my life. Placed around me when I was a baby, it had a locket that contained an angel with a sword in battle with a dragon.


You can believe my story but don’t trust the darkness in it.


In the evening, I exorcised voices from my head into Win98 and rebooted my mind into Dan X Machina, a cyber entity who fights an evil twin in the inner space of a chip.


When The End comes, don’t bitch movies didn’t warn you to get a real life.


To Sleep, Perchance To Pitch Nightmares To DreamWorks


By Danny Aponte of Public School 161


The South Bronx, USA



New Future Weapon sung by Billy Idol


Artwork, collage and hot text by Daniel Angel Aponte Copyrighted 2014